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Together. All the way. – A blog about creating optimal conditions for successful IVF

Together. All the way. – A blog about creating optimal conditions for successful IVF
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Dr. Markus Montag

Markus is a well-known researcher in the field of IVF, where one of his specialities is time-lapse. He has more than 20 years’ experience as Lab Director. Markus spends his time working as a consultant for IVF centres around the world and also for Vitrolife.

Quality and workflow efficiency - two sides of the same coin

By Dr. Markus Montag, Dec 14, 2017

Looking at available data on results in IVF, outcome differs widely between clinics and countries. In this blog post Dr. Markus Montag speculates if this could be related to quality and workflow in the constantly developing field of IVF. He also provides valuable tips on how to create a more efficient workflow in your lab and thus gain higher quality
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Practical considerations when introducing PGT in your IVF clinic

By Dr. Markus Montag, May 30, 2017

Almost three decades ago, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) was applied clinically for the first time by pioneers like Alan Handyside in the UK and Yuri Verlinsky in the US. Still, introducing this procedure can be a challenge. In this blog post you will get a practical guidance of what to consider when introducing PGT in your IVF clinic.

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Considerations for embryo culture at high altitude

By Dr. Markus Montag, Nov 30, 2016

There are many differences between Stockholm, Denver and Lhasa. One of them is the need for different CO2 settings in the IVF lab, due to different altitudes. In this blog post Dr. Markus Montag gives advice on how to ensure successful embryo culture at high altitude. 
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Reducing time to live birth by optimising culture conditions

By Dr. Markus Montag, Aug 29, 2016

A successful IVF treatment is a pregnancy that results in the birth of a healthy child. Many aspects are discussed in order to raise pregnancy rates. An increasingly important parameter to reflect a successful IVF program in today's world of IVF is the time to pregnancy and live birth. In this blog post I will go through some of the critical steps in the IVF procedure and how they can be optimised.
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How a decision support tool based on known implantation data can enhance embryo selection

By Dr. Markus Montag, Aug 20, 2015

With the introduction of time-lapse technology, the field of assisted reproduction takes a leap forward. Time-lapse monitoring systems present a significant step in improving IVF treatment on all levels. Time-lapse technology introduces new opportunities in the clinic for improved workflow, quality control and communication between embryologists, clinicians and patients.
But most importantly, time-lapse has developed into a powerful and well-proven method for ensuring undisturbed culture of embryos, while providing invaluable detailed insight into embryo development. With this, time-lapse allows more informed decisions in embryo selection compared to conventional microscopy. In this blog post, I will discuss how a decision support tool can help you enhance your embryo selection from the information obtained with time-lapse imaging. 
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